Unsuccessful people think it is hard to become successful. Successful people think it is far harder to remain unsuccessful. The loss to them is far greater than the gain to an unsuccessful person.
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If you ask most people what their primary goal is, it is to make enough money so that they can retire…
This is the goal of an unsuccessful person who will always remain unsuccessful and it is not a wealthy mindset.
Read MoreFollow This Simple Advice To Instantly Change Your Life Yes you can have it all! However, is it likely that you will? No, frankly the odds against it are staggering. Only 1 person in 714 ever ends up with a net worth of a mere $1 million dollars… And only 1 person in 75,188 ends up with an ultra high net worth of over $30 million dollars… So basically that’s one person in a fairly large sized town. Which as I am sure you know from your own experience of where you live is about right.
Read MorePeople write books about conquering and overcoming fear. And it really makes me laugh as they try to get you to conquer something which is not real. Fear is just an illusion brought about by our disease ridden minds.
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